- CHROMuLAN web pages are moving to SourceForge
Web pages of the project are moving to SourceForge. You can already ask questions regarding the CHROMuLAN software in the Help forum. - How to use CHROMuLAN with other devices
Document explaining how to use CHROMuLAN with devices communicating RS-232 was added to this website. - CHROMuLAN v0.79 - released
New features:- Multipoint calibration
- Calculation of theoretical number of plates
- CHROMuLAN v0.60 - tested
- Fixed browser bugs introduced in v0.58
- CHROMuLan v0.58 - tested
- This version introduces new overlay manager and solves previous close sequence without save bug. Version was already short time tested at INGOS company with AAA-400 Amino Acid Analyzer and no bigger problems was notices. Long term tests are performed now.
- UL_DRV 0.6.1 - released
- Fixed version of uLan driver behaves correctly with dongle converter. Driver was tested on Win2000, WinNT and Linux with success. Driver works with Win98 but Win98 scheduler blocks interrupts for 8 ms and longer intervals for WDM driver and this causes occasional packet loses.