Chromatography Software for Everyone
Web pages of the project are moving to SourceForge
The project offers free software (distributed under GNU General Public License) for controlling of chromatographic devices and subsequent evaluation of the acquired data. The set of the chromatographic devices, which was developed by PiKRON company since 1992, communicates with the program using uLAN network protocol.
For incorporation of other devices (mainly detectors with analog output) was developed two channel adaptor with 20-bit AD converters and TTL inputs and outputs. Due to OpenSource nature of the project, it is also possible to create software modules (MS Windows DLLs) for communication with devices of other manufacturers.
The project was initiated and is sponsored by the PiKRON company that deals with development of devices for liquid chromatography, robotic and positioning systems, or infusion technique. Up to now there have been manufactured more than 3000 devices communicating with uLAN protocol, designed by the company.

Currently is the software being developed using Borland Delphi for Windows 98/NT/2000. Extension to Linux, using Borland Kylix is expected. The main developer and maintainer of the software CHROMuLAN is Jindrich Jindrich (, assistant professor at the Department of Organic Chemistry, Charles University, Prague (
HPLC devices are manufactured and distributed by the instruments division of INGOS company ( The currently available devices are HPLC pumps LCP5020, LCP5021 and LCP5081, detectors UV and UV-VIS LCD5000, UV254 LCD5200, thermostat LCT5100, autosampler LCS5040. Other product distributed together with chemical know-how is amino acid analyser AAA400.